Why Your Marketing And Messaging Should Change Regularly

It’s totally normal to change things up — and it is not a negative reflection of your business.

If you clicked on this, you might just be craving validation of a fact you already know is true deep down:


It’s okay to not have it all figured out from the get-go.

Our personal styles change with the seasons. Our friend groups change over the years. And one big truth we want to affirm about business is: your messaging and marketing is allowed to change too.

In fact, we highly recommend it!

You probably know a lot more about yourself, and anyone you’re close to, than you did a few years ago.

And the same happens with you and the person you’re helping (ideal client). To reflect your knowledge, it’s highly likely you’ll have to pivot your offerings to reflect their experience and longings.

The more data and insights you gather from more experiences, more sales, and more launches or promo periods, the more you’re going to want to reflect that in your business.

At its core, marketing is repetition of what works and evolution of what does not.

We here at Unsocially Inclined like to remind people that marketing is, quite simply, trying things and learning more about your brand and business identity.

And as you might have gleaned from your personal story, trials and tribulations, how they are eventually conquered can define one’s identity.

Similarly, having a good relationship with trial and error while running a business is a game-changer.

Whatever your takeaways from those experiments are, they will make your business better.

Imagine if the iPhone had never started seeing iOS and model updates. They wouldn’t have been able to keep up with the times… or define them.

Your business needs to also grow and develop. That timeline and process can be yours, and look unique to you, according to your capacity, privilege, and support at that moment.

Assessing things in a relationship is normal because you can assess what’s working and what’s not, and it makes relationships stronger. Again, business is the same way. We like to measure our progress by quarterly changes.

What we work on is never completely finished and that's normal… and definitely even a good thing!

Many people are afraid of rebrands, pivots, and change overall because they fear looking “inconsistent.” And while, yes, you shouldn’t go chasing every new trend without taking a look at if it fits you… it’s also impossible that what fits your business would stay the same for many, many moons.

Consider this blog post your permission slip. ;)

If you're not sure where to start and would like some help to discover what changes could be beneficial for you to feel at home in your businesses and to see more results, check out Run The Tape: A marketing replay and review designed to discover what’s working in your business to create more results and honor your capacity.


Traditional marketing can suck, and here’s why.


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